Details and links for your training will be sent to you via email.
Please let us know if we can assist you further.
ROI Safety Services is known for excellent online training.
Take a look at more of what we have to offer.
Available Online courses
Hazard Assessment
ROI Hazard Assessment course empowers workers to identify workplace safety hazards and effectively implement control measures. Our training tools will help you inspect, assess risk matrix and practice safety management.
- Fully Online
- At Your Own Pace
- Certification Upon Completion!
OSHA Inspection
ROI OSHA Inspection course guides you through each of the 4 OSHA inspection stages, on-site inspection handling, investigating occupational hazards, planning protection and follow ups.
- Fully Online
- At Your Own Pace
- Certification Upon Completion!
IIPP (CA Only)
ROI IIPP Course is a go to resource on hazard identification and mitigation at the workplace. It offers highly relevant methods to create and implement effective Injury and Illness Prevention Programs.
- Fully Online
- At Your Own Pace
- Certification Upon Completion!
Lockout / Tagout
ROI’s Lockout / Tagout Training gives you accurate information to identify and intervene on workplace hazard signs at the earliest, perform effective hazard analysis, risk assessment, and learn to resolve worksite safety hazards for maintaining reliable occupational safety.
- Fully Online
- At Your Own Pace
- Certification Upon Completion!
Forklift Train The Trainer
Our forklift safety training course satisfies the OSHA training requirements of 29 CFR 1910.178 for both initial and refresher training. We’ll cover the regulations, responsibilities, and requirements for forklift operators and forklift maintenance
- Fully Online
- At Your Own Pace
- Certification Upon Completion!
Machine Guarding
The Machine Guarding training course covers the safeguarding needs that widely differ due to varying physical characteristics and operator involvement of all machines,
- Fully Online
- At Your Own Pace
- Certification Upon Completion!
Group Registration
- Fully Online
- At Your Own Pace
- Certification Upon Completion!