Every New Relationship
Begins with a Gap Analysis
We compare the current state of the company to known standards such as OSHA/EPA, State and Local (County/City) Requirements. We do this by performing an audit or GAP analysis which simply means we identify the GAPS within an organization. Then we develop a plan of action with due dates, focusing on the high-risk items first. We assist you through this entire process to ensure compliance.
The Levels of Compliance
Local – Fire Department or City
A Gap Analysis Has Four Steps to Completion:
- Identification of Your Current Compliances at all levels:
- Where they are satisfactory.
- Where they need to be updated.
- Where they don’t exist – putting you at risk for non compliance.
- Establish the Goals for Your Compliances:
- What is absolutely required for your industry?
- What additional training you should include to ensure the health and safety of your employees?
- Is there any essential training required by your state and county in addition to your OSHA Required Training?
- Compare & Identify the Gaps in Your Current OSHA Program:
- Add missing training.
- Update existing training where needed.
- Schedule out the training for the year.
- Include “new hire” training programs & schedules.
- Complete the New Annual Training Program & Review the Plan:
- Schedule your training with ROI Safety Services.
- Stick to the schedule.
- Arrange “new hire training” with ROI Safety Services.
- At the completion of the training program, review that plan using the steps above & create a new Gap Analysis & Training Plan for the new year.

Our Training
- All of our training, from Forklift to Confined Space Entry are provided on-site to meet your site-specific needs as required by OSHA.
- We also provide some Online training classes.
- We have many options to fit your needs and your budget. We work around your unique schedule and needs.
- We are extremely sensitive to your employee’s needs and backgrounds. All of our
- Classes are offered in Spanish and English.
- Unlimited Phone Calls and Emails – emails and phone calls will be supported at no additional charge.
- We are on call 24 hours a day with a guaranteed response time within 8 hours of calling.
- Emails will be returned within 24 hours.
- Emergency on-site visits within 24 hours.